Who are you, where are you going..


    Some days I wake up with a relentless nature to work hard on my writing, to work hard towards my degree, to eat better, to wake up and understand my journey. Other days I wake up and ask myself what's it all for. The why question haunts me often.
What is the point of everything? Then I have this outer body experience where I walk through the day and really feel myself in the moment for a minute. My heartbeat, the way my arms sway forwards and backward when I walk. The wind pushing back my eyelashes and the sun heating the top of my head. The sound of my shoes against the pavement, the taste of my cherry chapstick. The feeling of my hair creeping out from behind my ear. I search for myself as deep as I can go and see myself not for what I look like but for what I feel. There are tall buildings, cars filled with strangers, trees, roads, and the sky that changes colors whenever it wants to. We paint, draw, make music, create films, and travel to different cities. We read and we write. We opinionate and fight. What if we didn't opinionate at all? Where would we be? Who would we be, and is there anywhere else to go but here? Everyone is there own separate entity. Even though I wake up some mornings and forget the point to it all, forget to see the beauty in life, I can still hold my hand up in front of me and then I remember. I am nothing but flesh and bones and everything that is my soul. The job in life is to see how far you can go with the body you've been given and the soul that sings, dances, models, dictates, fights and holds on strong to their beliefs, whatever they may be. Fighting for something, if anything at all, is the only thing that makes this life worthwhile. So no matter who you are, no matter where you are going always remember the world needs you to fill in the gaps. A never-ending inspiration of love and belief in all the things that live in you.

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